
Best Finch Food for Your Pet’s Balanced Diet

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Finches are one of the most common cage-birds up to this day. It is not surprising as they have striking colors that attract people. Birds may be small in size, but their nutrition needs are comparable to humans. Birds also need a balanced diet. Feeding them should not just be for their survival but to stay healthy and thrive.

If you are thinking about what to feed the finches, there are things that you need to know and consider. It is not about spoiling your feathery friends to show how much you love them. To show how you truly care, the best thing to do is keep them in top shape.

For bird lovers out there, it doesn’t matter how much experience you have in handling birds. They are delicate creatures that need special attention. Also, there are always new things to learn about them. Now, let us focus on the best food for your finches that can provide adequate nutrition.

Nutrition Breakdown

To achieve a balanced diet for your finches, there is a food percentage that needs to be followed. These birds will indeed survive in eating one kind of food. The question is, for how long? Like human beings, birds need enough nutrients in their bodies. Otherwise, be prepared to visit your vet often. Your little friends will be vulnerable to diseases and may not be able to reproduce successfully.


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It should be the biggest chunk of their diet. Finches will be able to get carbohydrates, protein, and vitamins from it. Grain products should cover 50% of the bird’s diet consumption.

Pellets are the number one choice for pet owners. It is packed with vitamins and nutrients. There is a lot to choose from as it comes in different sizes and even flavors. You just need to select the preference of the finch.

Diet Mixes are another alternative. It is advisable because everything is ready. Owners no need to prepare the food separately. These mixes consist of seeds, grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

You might be thinking of just settling with these pellets or diet mixes. But, do not forget to incorporate the other foods needed to make sure these birds are in a healthy condition. The other foods under the grain products that can be given to finches are oatmeal, pasta, quinoa, rice, and other crackers that have low to no salt content.

Vegetables and Fruits

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Another thing that should not be neglected is fruits and vegetables. 45% of the finches’ diet should be composed of these. A few pointers to remember are to make sure you wash it thoroughly to avoid any chemical consumption.

Some vegetables are ready to eat for the finches. You may cook it too, which is most recommended. Don’t forget to cut it into small sizes. Fruits are important too. But, don’t be surprised to see loose droppings. It is normal as fruits are rich in water.

Also, there are specific fruits where you need to be cautious. Some carry components that are toxic to birds. Removing pits and seeds should do the trick. Check the safety of the fruit before giving it to the finches.


Dairy products are essential, but they should be given in moderation. The birds’ diet is composed of 5% dairy. Never forget that finches are lactose intolerant. In moderation, birds can still eat dairy products as it is a great source of calcium. Cottage cheese, eggs, and even yogurt are good for birds as long as it is in a small amount.

Grits and Treats

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It has less than 1% part of their balanced diet. Less as it may seem, but its importance cannot be disregarded. Grits are a big help in promoting digestion as it helps with the food grinding. You may not need it all the time, but it is for the best that it is available.

As pet owners, we all love giving out treats. It is great that you are showing exceptional affection towards feathery pets. Be reminded, though, that moderation is key. The most popular one is the Millet. Give this to your finches, and you will see how they munch it like a candy.

Natural Diet

Finches that are not on captivity have their natural food selection. If you leave them in the wild, their instinct will kick in and feed of seeds. There is just a little problem with that. Seeds availability depends on the season. If there are no seeds that they can munch, finches will find an alternative. Our furry friends will then turn to insects and fruits. Even in their natural habitat, they are still trying to get the nutrients they need.

Things to remember

Taking care of finches comes as a responsibility. As a pet owner, you need to make sure that they are living a healthy life. Here are some pointers that you must follow.

Amount of food

You cannot let the birds feast for as much food as they want. Maintaining their seeds intake at 1.5 to 2 teaspoons a day is sufficient. There are instances when there is more than one bird in a cage. In this case, you can use different feeding dishes. This way, others will have the chance to eat.

Fresh Water

Water is essential to all living things. There should be fresh water every day or as needed. We cannot control the droppings, and there are instances where it drops on where it’s not supposed to be. Once the water has been contaminated, it can be the cause of different diseases.

Clean it

Cleaning the cage, seeds dishes, and water trays sound easy. Yet, this the most neglected part of being a pet owner. It may not be intentional due to busy schedules, but there are days when owners just refill food and water. It should not be the case. Both food and water containers must be washed daily.

Try it till they take it

The most common complaint among finch owners is that their pets refuse to eat a particular food. There are instances when our feathered friends become picky. It does not mean that they don’t like it all. As the owner, you got to keep trying.

Do you need an extra supplement?

Finches that are mainly on a pellet diet may not need more vitamins. The food they eat is already packed with nutrients. Before giving out anything, take your bird to the veterinarian. You will be advised if there is a need for it. Also, it depends on the situation like when the finch is on the laying eggs period. If the bird has calcium deficiency, then a supplement can be prescribed.


Now you have the best finch food that can be given to your birds. Even with all this information, there is still a lot more to learn about them. As a responsible owner, apply a balanced diet for your little finches. You cannot let them take one food continuously. There are dangers to it as they will be prone to infectious diseases. Feed them not to simply keep them alive. Give them the nutrients they need to keep them healthy. A stable diet will also reward you with a productive breeder finch.

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