Scientific Facts
Common Name | Scarlet macaw |
Scientific Name | Ara macao |
Size | 35 inches long, weighing 2 to 3 pounds |
Life Span | 80 years or more |
Habitat | tropical and sub-tropical rainforests. |
Country of Origin | Central & South America |
These Macaws exemplify elegance. Macaws are the most extensive parakeets in the realm, with magnificent feathers and intrusive characteristics.
Their grace and elegance spellbind anybody who notices them. They acquire their title from the pigmentation of their plumage. Regarded very talented and they can accumulate up to several phrases when they are taught, Scarlet macaws likewise are popular as red macaws.
They can be an astonishing pet though the beauty of these striking Macawa is at its maximum when they are observed in the native as they soar smoothly in flights appending intensity to the clear blue atmosphere.
Physical Description
These macaws are very healthy and possess a majestic presence. With grown-ups standing a standard measurement of 85 centimeters and scaling approximately a kilogram, you will want to give them a quantity of range. A general feature in the macaw family is their edged, extended tails use up a large part of their entire height. Males and females are perfectly indistinguishable. You will need to depend on the DNA arrangements to discover which one is which.
The dazzling shades and brilliant, vigorous blends are the dispositions of these macaws. The Scarlet Macaw is essentially red, as its title implies. Its rear and the deeper half of the plume is dark blue, with the upper section denoting yellow. The cast around the eyes is earmarked for a naked white scrap of skin. One bizarre feature is within their noses. The more inferior portion is black, while the uppermost is faded. This fascinating, crazy blend is unmistakably a peephole toward the sultry rainforests of South America. These macaws clearly possess a stunning impression!
Males / Gender ID
Males and females resemble essentially identical, but the males may hold more extended plumage and somewhat more substantial beaks.
Juvenile macaws have smaller tails, and the more profound bills of their snouts are pale. Their exposed facial skin is pinkish-white, and their limbs and extremities dark grey. The intensity of their eyes varies over a period from black to grey to white to the grown-up eye pigmentation of vivid yellow.
Geographical Range
In 1758, Linnaeus original labeled the Scarlet Macaw, Ara Macao. It arises from a rather unrestricted area, its essential territory reaches from southern Mexico, the state of Oazaca, south into eastern Panama in Central America; over northern South America in Venezuela, Columbia, and Ecuador; then distant south in Peru, east of the Andes in Paraguay, Brazil, and Bolivia; and the northeast in Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and the Islands of Tobago and Trinidad.
They are now deceased or lacking in several regions, although their scope is comprehensive. Commonly classified communities are located in regions that are more isolated and less disordered. It is obsolete in El Salvador, yet has been imported into Puerto Rico. Presently there is a huge flock of approximately 100 Scarlet Macaws settled south of Belize. These are deemed to have occurred from deserted confined macaws.
Today there are two identified populations and a third proposed community:
Central American Population
Honduran Scarlet Macaw and Yellow-winged Macaw
Ara Macao cyanoptera – proposed Scientific name
This flock is obtained from the state of Oazaca in Mexico through Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, to central Nicaragua.
This is the more generally observed Scarlet Macaw. It is a bigger species, and its red pigmentation is a rich red. It possesses a broad strip of yellow over the core of the plume with no green to the peaks.
South American Population
Bolivian Scarlet Macaw
Ara Macao Macao – appoint species, proposed the scientific name
This flock is discovered from Panama to South America. Ecuador in the east of the Andes, and northern South America, from Colombia to Bolivia, and eastward across Guyana and Brazil, and on the Island of Trinidad.
This Scarlet Macaw has a bigger frame than the Central American modification. Its red pigmentation is duller, and it holds a thinner strip of yellow plumages over the plumes that are slanted in green.
Central America – Intergradation Population
This flock is observed exclusively in Central America, northern Costa Rico, and southern Nicaragua. Eduardo E. and Inigo-Elias recommend this must be “counted a community in a region of intergradation within the two species. Additional phylogenetic investigations on the development of the hereditary alteration and territory variations on recommended subspecies are required”.
The Ara Macaws are located soaring in the sunshades of the rainforest territories beneath 1,000 m. Some of the birds in Costa Rica are discovered as high up as 1,500m. They are fundamentally discovered in sultry evergreen woodlands and are commonly observed dwelling adjacent to streams and clearing with huge trees.

It has been remarked that scarlet macaws may travel hinging on the fluctuations in the season. They are deemed essential for the environment in which they exist because they support the production of woodland tree varieties by introducing grains.
Common Behavior
One of the scarlet macaw fascinating evidence is that these birds mostly proceed to live in monogamous couples until the end of their days but assemble in flights to rest at nightfall. They are extremely associated with their partners, and at any account that they select their spouses, they are at no time witnessed deserted except if one of the macaws has to nurture the embryos.
They normally build their dens in an empty section of the woods. They commonly employ the higher sunshade of the rainforests so that they can be concealed in the dense greenery, and are protected from their predators like the snakes, toucans, and monkeys and several different huge animals. A scarlet macaw, if frightened by something just when in its den, it carefully analyzes the circumstances till the threat moves away. Macaws calmly fly one at a time if their dens are under an immediate warning.
Added absorbing parrot bird truth is that Scarlet macaws are chiefly left-footed; they have been witnessed that they support their build on their right foot while they utilize their left foot essentially to manage meals or seize items. A scarlet’s mind is more advanced on the right faction over that of the left faction, therefore left-footed. The macaw’s left-handed position can be anchored on the corresponding system as that of the favored hand that a person works.
Scarlet macaws employ their bills broadly in the native as well as in confinement. They crack firm kernels and form holes with the aid of their noses. In confinement, the bills are utilized to grind trinkets and examine items.
Speech and Sounds
They are quite blatant, though not expressly boisterous similar to a few other parakeets. This is most prominent when your macaw is aggravated, frightened, or merely annoyed, especially. That’s the time when harsh cries and high vaulted shrieks appear. Apart from that, your macaw will be flawlessly content to plainly impersonate all the common noises or reproduce several of the terms he acquired. Most macaws are pretty satisfactory impersonators, and unquestionably enjoy discovering fresh tones.
Diet and Feeding Habits
The fundamental nutrition of scarlets comprises grains, nuts, and fruits intermittently supplying with flowers and nectar. Ara Macaos are in a custom of consuming their fruits fresh, rash fruits possess fibrous skin, and the mash can be consumed solely if a macaw has a big and powerful bill. The sturdy bill of the birds provides them an edge above the other creatures; they can crack open seeds and relish while other creatures have way exclusive to the flesh.
Contrary to the other birds, parakeets have more action in their bills, causing their beaks more predominant than the others. The bills of the Scarlet Macaws are well-defined in a means that they can push a tough seed within their palates and their tongues and crush the grain to absorb it.
They commonly serve pods, nuts, berries seeds, figs as well as palm fruits Throughout the reproducing season, when their demand for protein is important, scarlet macaws may likewise feast on bugs and their maggots. Their nutrition is frequently reinforced with the juice of bud and leaf stalks as quite as whole flowers.
The Ara Macao frequently consumes precocious fruits. An impressive scarlet macaw factor is that they consume mud located on the edges of the streams to assist the absorption of substances like tannin. They can digest meals that can conceivably eliminate other creatures because of their harmful content. Thoughscarlet macaws employ mud to repeal the impact of the infection. The Amazon basin has approximately 120 public areas where scarlets gather to sweep mud. A few of these have grown famous traveler localities.
Reproduction and Life Cycle
The scarlet macaw’s couple for their whole career. The coupling arrangement is named as monogamous, which indicates that they have solely one partner at a course. Scarlet macaw couples are normally viewed mutually except when they are nurturing the embryos. Once the embryos bear, they will be viewed with the juveniles.
Scarlet macaws demonstrate love to their partners and juveniles by trimming. If you notice a macaw couple, you will generally locate them trimming one another and kissing them. The added method of manifesting affection is by serving their partners and juveniles.
The clasp measurement of the scarlet macaws is approximately 2 to 4 white embryos. Gestation continues for 24 to 25 days and is fundamentally made by the female scarlet macaws. The males normally carry up the responsibility of shielding the cradle and serving food.
Once the birds bear, they are reliant on their origins and live with the parents for roughly a year or two. The infants are supplied by the progenitors – principally males – through spewing. The scarlet macaws present fundamental attention to their infants, and they do not foster different factions of embryos till the moment the prevailing faction of infant macaws are self-sufficient and can defend for themselves. Scarlet macaws attain reproductive development at a period of three or four.
Life Span
The average life extent of a scarlet macaw in confinement and the native can be relevant to 40 to 50 years. Macaws have been pronounced to hold survival of approximately 75 years when held in confinement because of the maximum attention they get from the handlers.
One of the causes, why scarlets relish a longer life in confinement, is the evidence that they are preserved from predation. In the native, as birds get old, their alertness declines, and this gives them defenseless to predators who can strike them up readily when they have lagged down due to their age.
How to Breed
They reach reproductive maturity when they are about 3 to 4 years old and form monogamous pair bonds that last a lifetime.
Pairs are usually seen together, except when one of them is incubating eggs or brooding / taking care of young chicks. Pairs show affection by feeding and preening each other and licking each other’s faces.
They propagate in roughly one or two years. The reproducing period ranges in them hinging on their position, the blizzards, and the attainability of meat. Scarlet macaws that are located in the southern regions of the scale where they reside commonly start reproducing in December. Scarlet macaws that dwell distant north of the area normally start , in towards the period of December and preceding January. If they dwell in an area where the circumstances are maximum, they may be ready to produce throughout the year.
Scarlet macaws are hollow dwellers, and they seek for windows in towering sunshade woods that may be growing or stagnant. Very frequently, they reside in pockets that have been shoveled through other birds like woodpeckers. Seldom, they may shovel the hole of their privacy in manageable knots.
The standard grasp measurement comprises of one up to four white, rounded embryos (chiefly one or two), Most of the gestation of the embryos is initiated by the gal; at the same time, the male defends the den and serves meals. He will help with the incubating, as required. The embryos are bred for 24 – 28 days to brooding. Varying on the duration of the juveniles, the progenitors will supply them 4 to 15 times every day. The more youthful ones need to be maintained more frequently, considering their products are tinier. As the juveniles get larger, their products can carry more meat, and the number of feedings every day goes down.
The juveniles will fly and drop the cradle when they are approximately 97 to 140 days old and are self-sufficient roughly one or two years succeeding. The origins won’t get started on a new clutch until their preceding juveniles have become self-governing.
Pet Care
Large Macaws need a spacious enclosure, at least 76 by 91 centimeters. The Scarlet Macaw can be considerably spoken, be certain the enclosure is in a place where the measure of sound the acquaintances catch is nominal as feasible. A large, robust seat requires to be installed in the enclosure. Raw fruit tree twigs serve fabulous since they can munch on them as thoroughly, though, then they will have to be substituted irregularly. Water and food dishes, along with a feast course, operate fine positioned above the pole at the surface of the enclosure. A mixture of games for performing and crushing must likewise be presented. As options to a coop, they can be held in an open-air aviary where the climate favors, and some individuals prefer to give their macaw with its own “bird studio.”

Huge macaws demand 2 – 3 hours a day outside of their enclosure. The bird’s enclosure is their boundary, and a playard cover is excellent, though it is nevertheless their region. It is sufficient to communicate with a Macaw on top of a robust pole apart from the enclosure. A distinct, free-standing playard serves exceptional for this. Numerous macaws can consume most of their season on a playard or macaw pole.
The essential enclosure care involves regular cleansing of the water and meat bowls. Hebdomadal, you must clean all the poles and messy gadgets, and the basement must be cleaned about every other week. Thorough washing and sanitizing of an aviary must be made annually, replenishing anything that demands to be purified, such as toys, old dishes, and perches.
Which Foods Are Bad for a Parrot?
Merely because you consume it, doesn’t imply it is appropriate for your macaw. Sugary foods, fried, and salty mustn’t be supplied to macaws. For sipping, give just water, which is replaced at most limited every day. Some individuals provide their macaws, tea, alcohol, and coffee. The well-being of their macaw yields for this. Fatness is not merely a dilemma in people; it’s likewise observed in birds. In the native, macaws would have a hollow breast. The huge populations of pet macaws are awfully plump.
Scarlet macaws are frequently mistaken by amateur handlers who may obtain the bird to be offensive or vulgar, however with the precise measure of exercise and attention, these macaws can remain one of the most huggable and comical pets. Individuals who have held a scarlet macaw frequently display the value of bestowing love to them. Scarlet macaws have a brief extent of concentration, so it is essential for you to maintain them occupied by presenting them with an interactive setting with loads of provocation and pleasure.
They require a fostering setting so that these macaws do not become unsettling. Scarlet macaws react very strongly to assertive practice. You can be developed to serve for food awards with the aid of belief exercise. Masters shouldn’t compensate their scarlet macaws when they cry. Make certain that you do not promote this manner of expression. Though, birds that finish shrieking must not be beaten by screeching back or shouting at them.
Rather, you should know that scarlet macaws frequently cry when they are seeking your attention. So alternately of providing them consideration while they are crying, supply them care for noteworthy, or when they finish shrieking. Pick a term with which you can interact with your bird during the time you are in a separate studio. So, if your bird begins yelling out toward you, you can let it understand that you are approaching so that it makes not start to screech for you.
When scarlet macaws attain reproductive development, they may become more hostile, and the variation in their hormones may drive to temper fluctuations. This is a moment when your bird demands your care. Do not misunderstand this as the wrong action of the macaw. The macaw is merely as frustrated regarding the modifications taking place within it, and its essential characteristics may start displaying symptoms of reproducing, which constitute the possessive practice and becoming defensive about their masters or attempting to have their masters distant from their area.
They should possess lots of possibilities to training and engage in the physical wellness and mental well-being of a Macaw Parrot. Giving daily interplay and loads of leisure. Having an abundance of range and a broad collection of games and exercises will improve stop discomfort in your pet bird.
These are adorable birds, and ventures incorporate collaborative courses with its owner. As well as playing and acquiring new skills, all that from trimming, caressing, and petting is cherished. Although these are likewise very healthy, boisterous birds that require a good-sized place to perform and surmount around. Both are soaring around within a huge enclosure, and giving an outside playard allows them attention and modification.
Scarlet Macaws are enthusiastic grinders, crushing keenly on anything they can take a grasp of. Make positive they can’t stretch shave or any family objects; you don’t desire to be slaughtered when they are on a playard. Give loads of playthings and exercises in the form of great loop wood toys, ropes, parrot swings, bird ladders, and chains for chewing and gnawing. Switch in different bird pastimes always.
Giving constant synergy and lots of leisure. Possessing lots of areas and a wide assortment of games and ventures will aid in preventing discomfort in your pet bird. It will likewise decrease the possibility of your macaw exhibiting troublesome expressions like shrieking, chewing, and plumage culling.
Potential Problems
It is unquestionably correct that a Macaw bird can produce turbulence, though it is not frequently, and not lacking any inducement. Generally, if they notice something to be incorrect or inconsistent, they create a harsh ear-splitting sound. Perhaps an automobile, they don’t realize is proceeding to the residence or the puppy is slack. They are likewise famous for producing a massive outcry for approximately 10 minutes as it gloaming. This is a warning to their flight to descend in for the twilight.
A pet Macaw when properly attended for will occasionally get sick. Yet they can catch some infections, and there a few further elements in the atmosphere that can generate disease. Behavior problems can likewise transpire, appearing in plumage pulling, snapping, and intense shrieking. Albeit, it is frequently tricky to define disease, some noticeable symptoms of ailment to be conscious of are:
Bulges in feathering
Difficulty breathing
Dirty vent
Drooping wings
Excessive saliva
Extreme mood changes
Having no appetite
Partially closed or watery eyes
Ruffled plumage
Sagging body
Swelling of the eyelids
Any change in the feces not apparently diet-related
Some of the more common illnesses are:
Bacterial, viral, or fungal infections
roventricular Dilation disease (Macaw wasting disease)
Psittacosis (chlamydiosis or parrot fever)
Beak malformations in chicks
Chewing flight and tail feathers by juveniles
Feather picking – results of boredom, poor diet, sexual frustration, and lack of bathing
Kidney disease (gout)
Lipomas in older birds
Toxicity – heavy metal poisoning
If you mark any of those bird ailments in your Scarlet Macaw, promptly give a mild, breeze-free, safe surroundings held at approximately 30°C (86°F). Set meals and water are adjacent to the pole where it is effortlessly obtainable. A weak macaw must be brought to an avian doctor for medication and analysis.
Behavior predicaments in a pet Macaw normally originate from something that needs in the macaw’s conditions. Some of the most prevalent are the absence of belief, getting jaded, or scarcity of cooperation with individuals or other species. When those elements are lacking, that can direct to dilemmas following in unacceptable conduct. Strive to form a connection of belief and allocate time with your macaw to ease refrain those obstacles.
How Do I Introduce a Bird to Kids and Other Pets?
Growing kids mustn’t be permitted to be nearby the macaw alone, as with some animal. A macaw can severely harm a minor. There might be possessiveness concerns if the bird was in the shelter before the appearance of the baby. Begin gently, with continuous guidance. Don’t ever let kids or teenagers taunt the macaw.
Experts have noticed both feline and cannine take on with macaws. They had likewise viewed a feline who held its face near the sight tore removed when it went too close to the bird. Commonly, felines perceive the bill on a scarlet macaw and understand that the bird can induce harm and will, accordingly, evade it.
The Scarlet Macaw is more limited than any of the other Macaws for purchase (but reasonably the mutated Macaws) and possibly a little more difficult to obtain. Their native territory has degenerated to the period where they must remain established on the endangered species record, so it’s most beneficial to obtain confined-bred birds.
They are a costly bird due to their appearances, appearing with a value card of between $1,200 and $1,600.
Inspired in Pet Possession? Kindly Understand This
If you are engrossed in a scarlet macaw as a pet, be as so kind to understand that as wonderful as they do, macaws are an enduring (almost changeless) engagement. A few survive for more than 70 years, frequently outlasting their handlers. Macaws are likewise deeply friendly and boisterous pets that demand specific regular administration, valuable aviary applications, and plenty of consideration. If you make choices to become a macaw keeper, verify that your considered pet is a legitimate and confined-bred bird. The exchange of some native-caught macaws is forbidden under the universal rule, so manage thorough analysis to refrain acquiring into the prohibited wildlife commerce. Pet scarlet in call of shelters may likewise be accessed through pet adoption arrangements.
Population threats
The species is decreasing because of territory destruction, being killed for plumage and meal, and apprehend for purchase as pets. Their territory is tormented by woodland carnage. Bandits will chop down wood with a bird cradle to take to the juvenile, which restricts the figure of dwelling sites, and therefore the representation of juveniles increased. Counting scarlet macaws, nine out of the sixteen macaw species, are registered in Appendix I of CITES and tagged as LC, i.e., least concern on IUCN’s Red List.
Population number
Based on the IUCN Red List, the entire Scarlet macaw community extent is approximately 20,000-50,000 exemplars. Lately, this species is categorized as Least Concern (LC); though, its figures now are shrinking.
Environmental niche
Scarlet macaws are valuable as grain devours of huge tree berries. They may possess an influence on the creation of varieties of a woodland tree.
Scarlet macaws are commonly equipped to avoid most of the predators when they are grown-ups, due to their huge mass and expertise to circumnavigate immediately. Branchy predators like snakes, monkeys, and other little meat-eating creatures may catch the juvenile ones from their dens. Scarlet macaws frequently produce a lot of sounds when one of the hunters attempt to drive apart their juvenile ones from the cradle. This serves as a warning for others and may additionally deliver relief.
Grown-up and juvenile scarlet macaws worry being killed by huge felines like tigers, and they may likewise be grasped by hawks and eagles.
Scarlet Macaws are an imperiled species caused by their acquisition as pets and deterioration of territory.
Its population comprised much of Costa Rica before the Scarlet Macaws drop in the populace. Though by the 1960s, due to the incorporation of circumstances, especially poaching, hunting, and the devastation of the environment through erosion, Scarlet Macaws, had been declining in figures. Moreover, the diffusing of insecticides by corporations farming and marketing bananas for exportation struck a notable part in reducing Scarlet Macaw flocks.
As pets, Scarlet Macaws are desire coop birds for someone who can meet both the precious value of the bird and the amount of the huge enclosure needed. You must be prepared to endure their harsh cries and can provide them ample opportunity outside their enclosures. They are deemed friendly and loving, and some conversations considerably well.
- The scarlet macaw is the national bird of Honduras.
- They have remarkably robust beaks with which they can comfortably grind kernels and grains to digest. It likewise utilizes its bill as surmounting support.
- Scarlet macaws are frequently confused for the comparably-looking and measurement green-winged macaw, one of the most prominent distinguishing determinants is, though, that the scarlet possesses a yellow streak of plumage over its rear while those beyond the green-winged macaw’s back are green.
- The Scarlet Macaw’s wingspan is right at approximately 1 meter or coarsely 3 feet.
- They likewise hold resilient feet that are employed for the administration of meals, twigs, and other objects utilized as a gadget.
- They consume clay from waterfronts. Specialists are not certain what the logic following this.
- The principal hunters of these birds cover humans, toucans, monkeys, jaguars, snakes, and Harpy eagles.
- Individuals are striking certain trees for several goals of their own such as banana farming, hence lessening the population of Scarlets.
Is a scarlet macaw actually a parrot?
Yes! The Scarlet Macaw is actually a brother of a particular crowd of Neotropical parrots known as macaws.
How Much Do They Cost?
You will spend a higher of $2500 for most Scarlet Macaws. Assume several more investments throughout the course of your bird. Their enclosure will be costly, as will the continuous stock of chewable items to limit the consumption of your furniture. Vet voyages and nail clippings are added interest you will acquire.
How Healthy Are Scarlet Macaws?
A Scarlet Macaw can exist for up to 40 to 60 years in confinement. Some prevalent complications include lipomas in older birds, kidney disease, parrot fever, and Macaw wasting disease.
Is a Scarlet Macaw Right for Me?
If you produce the temperament and time for a harsh and care-seeking bird, a Scarlet Macaw can make a wonderful, caring, and devoted friend. They are not a lenient bird to manage or consider for, and you must solely perform earnest attention.
Why is scarlet macaw almost extinct?
Scarlet Macaws are an endangered species due to their capture as pets and loss of habitat. Before the Scarlet Macaws decline in population, its distribution included much of Costa Rica.
How many scarlet macaws are left in the world?
Fewer than 1,500 scarlet macaws are left all over Central America, and 500 are assessed to exist in the distant area identified as La Moskitia.
Why are scarlet macaws so colorful?
The truth is, they’re utilizing all those colors as an approach to remain secure. They are attempting to deceive their predators! Scarlet macaws have a variety of pigmentation identified as “troublesome coloration.” Troublesome coloration is most frequently observed on creatures that dwell in crowds
Do scarlet macaws talk?
Similar to all macaws, the scarlet macaw will imitate individual expression. They are highly friendly animals and can be trained in terms of catchwords efficiently.
How big is a scarlet macaw?
Macaws are among the largest in the parrot grouping.
How long do scarlet macaws live?
If you’re contemplating fitting a pet origin to a scarlet macaw, have in mind that these impressive animals can live up to 75 years.
Do scarlet macaws mate for life?
Yes! For greater or more serious, once a partner is chosen by a scarlet macaw, they’re life partners. They sustain large regions with excellent sites to dwell among the vegetation. These areas are largely for the kernels and fruit the macaws consume.