Birds Coo

Info & Care Guides For Pet Birds

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    Why Owning a Parrot is a Great Decision

    Image Source There are a lot of pets out there. You can choose a dog, a cat, or a fish. These days, the most popular winged pet is a parrot. What is not to admire about these feathered birds. They have striking colors that easily attracts attention. Also, they are playful that keeps people entertained. […] More

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    Why Manzanita Perch is Loved by Birdkeepers

    Image Source Manzanita perches are popular with birdkeepers. We have all heard about it most, especially if we are keen on birds. People would suggest it, but what is a Manzanita? It is a small tree that can be found throughout North America. It has unique characteristics of a smooth finish with twisting branches. Also, […] More

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    Why It’s Convenient to Have a Digital Bird Scale?

    Image Source A digital bird scale is designed to weigh all kinds of birds with different body weights. It is a modernized weighing scale that is known to only give a reliable result that is automatically calibrated as you turn it on. It is also a new trend for personal bird breeders as well as […] More

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    Why It Is Helpful to Have a Parrot Skewer for Your Bird

    Image Source Birds are some of the best pets to have for anyone because of their very appealing looks and their tendency to be quite affectionate and even fun to be with at times. Playtime with pet birds can also be one of the best moments of your life as there are some species of […] More

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    Why Is Sleep Important for Parrots and How Do They Do it

    Image Source The bird’s sleeping pattern is one of the extraordinary traits they have. They may not have an exact sleeping pattern with mammals, but they also have the cycles of Non-rapid Eye Movement sleep and Rapid Eye Movement sleep, but the only difference that they have with other mammal’s sleeping patterns is that they […] More

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    Why Having Full Spectrum Light for Birds is Beneficial?

    Image Source Birds depend on light to regulate bodily processes. Sunlight exposure is vital to the health of birds, but it is not always possible to provide it, especially if you have taken them in captivity. Full-spectrum lights were invented to somehow mimic the rays of the sun, so even if your bird is not […] More

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