Birds bring joy and happiness to any home. A pet bird is a source of fun, too, as you can teach this animal different tricks. But most people are not too fond of birds, and the most common reason is that these pets are just too noisy.
Pet birds are capable of producing sounds; some can produce louder, more irritating sounds and thus can be seen as pests. Some birds can produce lifelike sounds, mimic all sorts of tunes. Have you heard of a parrot that can sing like a human? Parrots are blessed with vocal cords that may be comparable to humans. Similar to a human singing in the shower, parrots sing when they are happy. However, these birds are also capable of making loud whistles, squawks, and screeches.
There are quiet birds as well. Check out our nine quiet birds that you must consider as a pet.
Bourke’s Parakeet (Bourke’s Parrot) – Neopsephotus bourkii

Bourke’s Parakeets are one of the quietest birds and are also very gentle. You may still hear audible chattering early in the morning and just before nighttime, but the noise level is still very low. These birds are not very active like other parakeets and parrots but still require a large enclosure so they can perch high and fly.
Physical characteristics
A Bourke’s parakeet is a colorful bird that can reach seven to eight inches as an adult and can live up to 25 years. Although not as brightly-colored as other parrot species, their colors are still very striking. There is a brown tint on their feathers while their chest and abdomen are pink. Their tails are blue while the back of their lovely wings has a brown-gray color. Every feather of this parakeet is highlighted with a light outline.
The adult male Bourke’s parakeet has a blue color on the forehead. Meanwhile, adult females have only a tinge of blue on their foreheads, and sometimes this color is not visible. Males are usually larger than females.
Color mutations exist in Bourke’s parakeets. There is Rosy Bourke’s parakeet, which is the most popular. This bird has a lovely shade of pink over most of its body.
Origin of Bourke’s parakeet
These birds are nomadic and can be found moving from one fruitful area to another in Australia. Experts say that this is the only place where you’ll find Bourke’s parakeet in the wild. These birds can also be found in urban areas in Australia as well.
The name Bourke’s parakeet was after Sir Richard Bourke, a governor of New South Wales, between 1831 to 1837. This species is not threatened, and many breeding programs have made this pet one of the most popular all over the world.
Bourke’s parakeet is a sweet, good-natured, and gentle. These are known to be good pets if you start caring for them as early as they hatch from the egg. This is the best time to form a great bond with their owners, their caretakers.
Bourke’s parakeets are very active after sunrise and after the sun has set. These birds can become noisy but not in an annoying way. Compared to other parrots, these birds are very quiet, but these don’t perform tricks and do not talk.
Caring for a Bourke’s parakeet
Bourke’s parakeets are mostly sold in pet stores offline and online, but to get the healthiest parakeets, you must look for a reputable breeder. You can also find birds in rescue organizations, although most pet owners don’t give up their pets because of their gentle demeanor and quiet temperament.
Bourke’s parakeets love to fly, and thus, they need a larger enclosure than a small cage. An aviary around 6-feet high with many tree branches is the best one. Also, it’s best to place two birds in a cage, but you can keep only one; you must provide constant interaction. You might also consider placing a swing or a climbing net.
These birds love water, and thus a large shallow bathing pool would be a good idea. The water should be clean and cool always. You might also consider spraying your pets’ lukewarm water because they love this as well.
Budgies (parakeets)

Budgies or parakeets are medium-sized birds that are able to talk or mimic human speech. But despite this amazing capability, they do not scream and shriek loudly like their larger cousins. Budgies can bond well with their caretakers and are also very social. These need regular interactions but may also be entertained with a few toys inside their cages.
Physical characteristics
The Budgie can grow up to 8 inches and weigh an ounce as an adult. And aside from its quiet nature, this bird is also popular for its lovely colors. The regular wild color of this bird is light green with dark bars along with the head, wings, and back. Adult females come with a beige or tan cere, which is a fleshy part found around the bird’s nostrils. The males have a blue cere.
Juvenile Budgies also have bar designs along their foreheads, but these disappear as they age. Their irises are dark but will become gray as they become older. Because of selective breeding, Budgie is now available in varying colors, including albino, blue, pied, violet, and yellow.
Origin of Budgies
Just like most parakeets, Budgies are native to Australia. These are found in grasslands where they forage for food. Wild species are smaller than those available in pet stores, which are the result of selective breeding.
John Gould, an English naturalist, brought this bird to Europe during 1898, and this sparked the curiosity of pet owners. The Budgie became the favorite pet of most bird lowers. In 1920, the Budgie made its way to America. There are two Budgies: the American Budgie or what is known as the parakeet and the English Budgie. American types are found in pet shops while British versions are seen in pet shows and exhibitions.
Budgies are docile and gentle and are known to be easy to tame, especially when the bird has been acquired while still young. You must consider caring for a pair of Budgies to keep each other company. This bird may not mimic human speech or trained to speak, but these can also be playful and active.
Caring for a Budgies
Buy a bird directly from a reputable breeder to make sure that it is healthy. Get a young bird rather than an older one. Look for an alert and active bird with smooth and shiny feathers that appear flat. The scales found on the feet must be smooth, while the nostrils must be clean and clear. Inspect the vent. This must be dry and clean with no fecal matter.
This bird requires a large cage with room for toys, food dishes, and room for flight. Use several perches in a large cage. Perches must have different materials to keep your bird’s feet and beak in good shape. To control your pet’s flight, consider trimming its wings.
Canary – Serinus canaria domestica

Male canaries can sing lovely tunes, but the volume is kept to a minimum. They are generally quiet and solitary and may fight with a companion or kept in a small cage with another bird.
Physical characteristics
A canary can grow from 5 to 8 inches tall and up to an ounce weight in their adult years. This bird can live from 5 to 15 years. A wild specimen is greenish-yellow all over its body and has yellow underparts. Because of selective breeding, the domestic canary can come in varying colors, including yellow, red, orange, and white. The most common color for a domestic canary is yellow.
Origin of a canary
A wild canary is native to the Macaronesian islands of Madeira, Azores, and the Canary Islands. It is a small finch that has been bred in captivity, and this began in the 17th century. This bird was first seen in Europe in 1478, brought by Spanish sailors as a part of their colonization of the Macaronesian Islands. These birds are bred with other species of finches. The result is a unique bird-like those found in South America.
The canaries may enjoy being with people but are not too happy being held or handled. These are very smart and can be trained to sit, stay on a perch, or fly across the room. As most birds species, young canaries are the easiest to train, but you can also train older birds; all you need is patience.
The songs that male canaries make are unique. Some canaries have been bred to sing. Meanwhile, female canaries can only chirp. Males won’t be able to sing when they are molting. Just some of the kinds of canaries that can sing are the Spanish Timbrado, Russian Singer, Waterslager, German Roller, and American Singer.
Caring for a canary
To house once canary, you need a cage that is 20 inches wide and 24 inches high. The canaries love to fly, and so a wider cage is a must. Never clip your pet canary’s wings because it has to fly to stay active. Add perches inside their cages to trim and condition your pet’s feet and beak. Never use sandpaper covers for perches because these can hurt your pet’s feet.
The canaries should be kept at room temperature. Add a shallow dish inside its cage to let your pet soak or play in the water. Cover their cages at night and don’t use artificial light at night time because this can cause stress.
Cockatiel – Nymphicus hollandicus
A cockatiel is larger than a budgie and can make sounds but not in a loud way. Some cockatiels may be trained to whistle and mimic some sounds at home.
Physical characteristics
The cockatiel can grow up to 13 inches and weigh up to 3 ounces as an adult. When properly cared for, a cockatiel can live up to 20 years. Some rare birds can even live up to 30 years. The wild cockatiel is gray, a yellow-colored face with an orange cheek. Males have brighter colors while the female comes with bars along the underside of her tail feathers.
Because of selective breeding, colors like albino, lutino, pied and pearl, cinnamon, silver, and opaline cockatiels are available. There are other mutations like cream face, pastel face, whiteface, emerald, and yellow cheeks.
Origin of a cockatiel
Cockatiels are found in Australia where they are called weiros or quarrions. The first cockatiel was found in 1770 and lived in large flocks. The cockatiel has become a very popular pet bird in the 1900s. These birds are known to be easy to breed and are docile and friendly. Today, these birds are no longer exported from Australia.
Cockatiels are gentle and love to be held but are not happy about being cuddled. They are friendly, but an untamed individual may nip you. Cockatiels are very intelligent and can learn new tricks like whistling, waving, and checking themselves in the mirror. It can even keep themselves preoccupied using toys and mirrors.
Caring for a cockatiel
A pair of birds is necessary for companionship. These may produce powdery dust, so be prepared to vacuum often. Spray your pet with water once a week to control powdery dust production. Use a cage with a removable bottom to easily remove dust. A large cage is necessary, so these birds can play. Add perches on varying levels. Clip your pet’s wings and nails at least two times a year.
Dove, ring-necked dove – Columbidae spp. Or Streptopelia risoria
Doves are known for their gentle cooing. Some people find these noises soothing, but some may still find this noise since this sound rarely ceases when the bird is awake. For people who want a bird that’s not demanding or needs a lot of time training, a dove might be the best choice.
Physical characteristics
A dove is a bird that can grow from 8 to 15 inches long, and when cared for properly, this can live from 10 to 25 years. Wild ring-necked doves have dull grey and brown color with a dark collar along its nape. Meanwhile, pet doves come in varying color due to selective breeding,
You can find doves in white, pied, orange and tangerine. The most popular colors are white and gray or a combination of the two colors. There may be species-specific marks on the body. The bird’s eyes and bills are black, and the feet are usually dark-purple. Male and female doves look very similar, but the male birds are larger.
Origin of a dove
Ring-necked doves are from Africa, but other species come from different areas around the world. For instance, fruit doves are from Australia, mourning doves come from North America. Only remove places like the driest parts of the Sahara, and the arctic region does not have any dove species.
The different species prefer different environments, and it’s safe to say that all dove species are not threatened in any way. The wild dove species that are native to Africa are dependent on water and eat seeds, fruits, and berries. But as long as there is plenty of water and food in an area, dove species can live in any place. And because of its high adaptability, the S. risoria is a popular breeding stock to create domesticated doves.
Doves that are tame and domesticated are sweet and are very gentle. Doves are softbills and will never cause any damage to property, unlike parrots. These birds don’t bite but may nip you if it is nervous, and this behavior can be easily averted. Doves are more quiet and peaceful than larger birds, and because of this, many families with older kids prefer doves as pets.
Caring for a dove
A dove does not need frequent attention as well as socialization despite being more suited for socialization compared to other bird species. It is easy to train a dove, and it is also easier to bond with this bird.
Doves can live in an indoor or outdoor enclosure. One parrot needs a big enclosure to allow flight. A large indoor cage that’s 30-inches high is good for one dove; double this height and size for two doves. Don’t place the wire on the bottom of the cage because doves prefer to stay on the ground. Place perches where your pet can fly and sit.
Outdoors, a large aviary is needed to allow flight and to keep the bird’s natural predators out. The outdoor enclosure must have a place where your pets can stay and be protected from the sun and rain. A dove needs a companion, but when kept alone, caretakers must spend more time with it daily. Compared to parrots, doves don’t need toys but may love to have a mirror or swings.
Finch (Zebra finch, spotted-sided finch, and chestnut-eared finch) – Poephla guttata
Finches are very tiny birds and thus make tiny noises. These lovely birds are best for people who want a quiet bird pet. Finches’ chirps are pleasant despite peeping and chirping all day long. And even if wild flocks of finches gather, these birds would barely make a sound that will wake you up.
Physical characteristics
Finches can grow up to 4 inches long and may weigh barely half an ounce. This species is one of the most attractive of all finches with dimorphic characteristics. Males are colorful with black and white patterns on the neck and breast. Orange patterns are found on the cheeks while brown patches are on the side of the body. Meanwhile, females are gray in the mentioned areas. The male has a brighter beak than females. Captive-bred finches come in a variety of colors due to selective breeding.
Origin of a finch
Large flocks of zebra finches are found in central Australia, East Timor, and Indonesia. This species was introduced in countries like Portugal and Costa Rica. Finches prefer habitats with tall grasses, but these can also be found in forests near a body of water.
The Zebra finch is a small bird that is very enjoyable to watch. These are active birds, so, despite their size, these need a large enclosure for flight. These birds are social; therefore, you should keep two finches for companionship. You can keep a male or a female, but you can also keep two female birds. Experts recommend groups as large as six, but remember, the more birds you keep, the larger their cage should be.
Despite being social with their fellow cage mates, finches do not bond with their caretakers. These can be tamed but won’t like to be handled. It cannot be trained to sing or mimic noises. Different species of finches have different calls and whistles.
The zebra finches are quiet with a conversation-like song. Usually, father finches teach their babies how to sing, and they sing the tune with their own improvisations. Do you know that some finch owners play songs or tunes near their cages to inspire them?
Caring for a finch
You need a very large cage to house a finch. Add several perches, but don’t overdo it; otherwise, your pet won’t be able to fly around. Use different kinds of perches as well as natural wood to condition your bird’s feet and beak. You can also add ladders, hammocks, bells, and other hanging toys. Finches are not really very interested in toys, but these would do, especially when you have only one bird.
The location of the finches cage is important. These must be placed in a quiet area in your home to reduce stress. This kind of bird doesn’t like social interaction, so they would rather be without people.
Do not place the cage in direct sunlight or in places where its hot or drafty. If you live in a warm environment, you can place your finches’ cage outdoors. Also, finches love water and would appreciate a shallow dish of water where they can bathe in or play in. Be sure to change this water daily.
Parrotlet (Pacific parrotlet, pocket parrot or celestial parrot) – Forpus coelestis
Parrotlet chirps as subtle and are hardly going to disturb anyone. These are small birds but are very energetic and spunky. These birds need regular interaction and handling to tame them.
Physical characteristics
Parrotlet can grow up to 4.5 to 5.2 inches and can weigh only an ounce. When properly cared for, parrotlets can live from 20 to 30 years. Some owners even claim these birds can live longer in captivity.
The parrotlet is known as true parrots, and these are related to the Amazon parrot. The two are strikingly different when it comes to size but are very much alike when it comes to their appearances and their behavior.
The Pacific parrotlet is the most common species that are used as pets. Other species like the Mexican parrotlet, spectacled parrotlet, and the yellow-faced parrotlet are also very common.
The parrotlet is delicate and has curved beaks with large heads. They are mostly green, but color mutations are available like albino, blue and lutino.
Males are different from females in such a way that these have bright blue marks on their backs and the area behind their backs. Female parrotlets lack these markings.
Origin of a parrotlet
The Pacific parrotlet is native to Central and South America in countries like Ecuador and Peru. These birds live in flocks in tropical forests. These birds can gather in huge flocks composed of 100 or more birds. Some flocks of parrotlets fly in the sky at the same time, looking like a dark cloud of smoke. These birds are very social and will spend most of their time foraging for food in trees and also near cliffs.
Parrotlet may look like a small parrot, but there’s nothing small about its behavior. It can act like a big parrot and thus need the same attention. You must tame parrotlet early so they can grow up being sweet and loving companions.
When this bird is not properly trained or handled, these will become very unruly. It’s better to keep only one parrotlet because these can become very aggressive towards other birds. These birds may fight for territory.
When in a home with other pets like dogs and cats, parrotlets may act fearless and may not back down when confronted. Parrotlets are also very intelligent and can even be trained to perform tricks and even talk.
Parrotlets can make sounds but won’t be as loud as its larger brothers. The voice of parrotlet is like a whisper. These birds can recognize up to 15 words. These will naturally screech and chirp and may become vocal, but the noise won’t be too bothersome for anyone.
Caring for a parrotlet
Parrotlets need regular handling and socialization so that these can keep tame. Similar to most parrots, bored parrotlet can develop destructive behavior. Common bad behaviors in parrotlets are nipping, chewing everything they see, and even self-mutilation. But with correct training, toys, positive reinforcement, and regular care, parrotlet can become content and loving creatures.
Parrots need constant attention, but parrotlets can entertain themselves. Place enough toys inside their cage but don’t overcrowd the cage. A large cage is always better. If you want to take your bird out of its cage, use a stand or use a large enclosure to prevent fly-aways.
And because of their size, parrotlets can be kept inside a breast pocket and hence its name. But you need to train your pet to behave like this, but most likely, it will love to be next to you.
Pionus Parrot – Pionus menstruous
A Pionus parrot is one of the quietest birds. These are known to be very close to their caretakers while maintaining independence. These birds love to play with their owners but are still contented to play with their toys and cage furniture.
Physical characteristics
Pionus parrots can grow up to 11 inches and weigh up to 9 ounces as an adult. This bird has a lovely plumage, and the blue on its head is the reason why it’s so-called. The body is bright green with bronze hues, especially along with the upper parts of the bird’s wings.
The parrot’s head is a stunning blue color, and this color is also visible on the breast. On the cheeks, are dark and dust-colored patterns while there’s the red color on the underside of their tail feathers. There is a red patch along the mandible of the bird’s beak.
Origin of a Pionus parrot
The blue-headed Pionus parrot is native in the tropical forests of Costa Rica, South America, and Central America. These colorful birds live in humid places and make their nests among the trees. When kept in captivity, this parrot can live for decades.
This bird is very independent but may remain bonded with their owners. They love to play games and have fun playing with toys. Most pet owners say that their pets are easy-going and gentle. This parrot does not bite or nip than other species.
Caring for a Pionus parrot
Just like most parrots, this bird needs a large cage to fly around. It is very active and needs a lot of exercise and room to play. As much as possible, create a schedule to feed and interact with your pet daily. Arrange an out-of-cage playtime, but make sure that this is supervised and must be held in a protected area.
Senegal Parrot (Sennies) – Poicephalus senegalus
The Senegal parrot is known for its easy-going and playful nature. It is a small bird and does not need too much care and attention. It is a great source of amusement, and instead of being noisy and very demanding to its caretakers like other parrot species, this bird is more the calm and quiet side. Senegal parrots can vocalize and have the ability to mimic human speech, but they don’t screech and scream like their large cousins.
Physical characteristics
A full-grown Senegal parrot can grow up to 10 inches in height and weigh 4 to 5 ounces. Adults have gray heads and wings and chests with green color. There is a V-shaped marking on their bellies, which can be yellow to orange-red. It’s impossible to tell the male from a female Senegal parrot, and usually, pet owners bring their pets to the vet to determine this. All Senegal parrot species have a striking dark head.
Origin of a Senegal parrot
The Senegal parrot comes from central western Africa. The genus includes ten colorful species from the region and is identified by their short tails, large heads and beaks, and well-built bodies.
The Senegal parrot is a part of Appendix 2 of the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species). The sale of this bird that is captured from the wild is now illegal, which is not too unfortunate for bird lovers because the Senegal parrot can breed well even in captivity.
You must acquire your pet as a young parrot. It has to be hand-fed so that it can develop trust in their caretakers. When properly trained, Senegal parrots can be very entertaining and sometimes comical.
Senegals that are socialized early become very friendly while those that are not properly socialized with other birds and people may develop a one-person attitude. These birds may refuse to be handled by other family members and to socialize with other birds. Therefore, make sure that your pet interacts with other family members
Caring for a Senegal parrot
Senegal parrots are smaller than other parrots; therefore, their cages may not be as large, but as much as possible, use a large cage to house your pet. If you have two birds, use a bigger enclosure. Add perches in varying textures and angles so your bird can condition its feet. This parrot can chew a lot and thus may need toys and cage accessories to condition their beaks.
Handling a Senegal parrot daily is very important. Socialization with other birds and other members of the family is also crucial. Provide a play stand so it can stay outside its cage for at least an hour. This should be a safe place where your bird can play, chew on different materials, climb, and even fly. For flying safely and to prevent flyaways, use a parrot harness or play inside an outdoor aviary.
You may also place a small shallow dish of water inside their cages so they can bathe, play and hydrate. You may also spray your parrot with a fine mist of water daily.
Noisy birds that you should avoid
Now it’s time to learn which birds you should avoid if you want to live quietly and peacefully. The top of the noisy list is the cockatoo. Species like the Tritons, Citrons, Moluccans ad Elenoras are very noisy and should be avoided. Macaws can also be very noisy, but some factors can affect noise levels. A flock of Macaws can be very noisy, especially when these are feeding, while friendly captive ones may have episodes of peaceful quiet.
Artinga Conures like the Sun Conure, Nandays, and Jendays are very noisy birds, but their caretakers often love them so much that they can tolerate the noise.
Meanwhile, there are moderately noisy birds which you might find bearable. The Alexandrines can be noisy but only for a short time. These birds can be noisier if it has a companion or companions. Amazons are also noisy but may sometimes be chatty and funny to listen to. Amazons have the ability to copy any tune or sound they like.
Hawkheads are moderately noisy and can produce a very loud cry that they rarely use. Ringnecks can be loud, but not all are this noisy. Lories are available in so many varieties and can be noisy when excited. You can expect lories to screech during feeding time or when their favorite person is nearby.
Electus parrots may squawk but are usually quiet most days. Other moderately-loud birds are Quakers and lovebirds. But when these birds are in a large group, their noises can be deafening. This usually happens in wild species as they look for food in trees and on the ground.