If you are into small and cute pet birds, the Parakeet should be at the top of your list. Parakeets are some of the most beloved pet birds in the entire world due to their innate cuteness and lovable personalities. As such, Parakeets have been growing in popularity among different pet owners and are sure to be ideal types of birds for anyone who wants an adorable and friendly household companion.
But while Parakeets may be some of the best pets you will ever have, you have to consider the fact that it can be pretty difficult to know what the sex of your Parakeet is. This might not be an issue now, but it might become important later on when you are looking to breed your Parakeet or if you prefer certain sex due to how there are some differences between male and female Parakeets. So, if you are interested in knowing the Parakeet’s sex, we have a guide you may want to follow.
Why is it difficult to sex Parakeets?
In general, it can really be difficult to tell birds apart in terms of their sex because most species birds actually look very similar to one another and that they do not have sexual organs that you can look at in plain sight to really tell whether the bird is male or female. The same is true for Parakeets as they can be difficult to tell apart from one another if you simply base it on the bird’s appearance without looking a bit deeper or without knowing what to look for. However, there are some physical differences that will help you tell apart the males from the females. You just have to know what to look for and where to look.
Checking the Parakeet’s color

When people are trying to identify the Parakeet’s sex, the first thing they usually do is to check the Parakeet’s color. That is because male and female Parakeets do have certain differences in how they look as long as you actually know how to see the telltale signs that will allow you to tell the two sexes apart. The Parakeet’s color is one of the factors you should look at first because doing so is actually a pretty effective technique to the point that you probably do not have to look at the other factors that will help you tell one Parakeet apart from another.
1. Look at the cere
Looking at Parakeet’s cere is one of the most effective ways that will help you tell its sex. If you do not know what a cere is, it is that piece of flesh that is located right above the bird’s beak. This is where the Parakeet’s nostrils are located. The cere usually has a color that will allow you to determine what the Parakeet’s sex is just by looking at it.
The cere on a male Parakeet is usually bright or royal blue. There are times that it might look a bit purplish, but the cere should always have a shade that is close to blue if the Parakeet is male. However, you may be able to notice the cere changing into a light color from time to time. This indicates that the Parakeet is not in the mood to breed. But if the cere turns to brown from blue, you have to go to a vet to have it checked because this is a sign that the Parakeet is suffering from a medical condition.
Meanwhile, if the cere on the Parakeet is of a pale blue color or has a color that is close to white, that will indicate that the bird is female. It might appear pinkish at times, but the usual color of a female Parakeet’s cere is something that is close to a light shade of blue. It might darken into a brownish color, which is indicative that the female Parakeet is in the mood for breeding. The cere may also start to thicken when the Parakeet is fertile and ready for breeding.
2. Age differences in color
If you are using the cere method to determine the Parakeet’s sex, you have to also consider that there will be differences in the cere’s color depending on how old the Parakeet is. You should only be using the cere method if the Parakeets are already more than four months old because younger Parakeets tend to have immature colors on their ceres.
For example, young male Parakeets will have ceres that are pinkish and purplish in color. Meanwhile, female Parakeets that are yet to reach the age of four months will have ceres that are white or pale blue. However, you also have to note that the cere on a young male will slowly darken as it ages while the female’s cere will most likely appear the same even as it ages but will only change in color if it is already fertile.
Using sound to identify the Parakeet’s sex

If you cannot tell for certain the Parakeet’s sex using the color on their ceres or if you just want to be sure of the sex, you can use other methods that will help you determine such. One of the more effective methods is to use the Parakeet’s sound and to listen to it since males and females do have differences in terms of how they sound.
For instance, male Parakeets are usually noisier than females. They will make singing noises that are louder and longer than the ones that the females make. This is said to be one of their ways to attract potential mates as the singing noises they make may be indicative of a mating call. Moreover, males are more likely to mimic human speech and other types of sound than females.
On the other hand, the female Parakeet is less likely to make the same types of noises that the males do. However, they may still make some noises, but what you will immediately notice is that the female does not have the melodic singing sound that the male has. Instead, its singing is closer to sounding angry. But that does not mean that the female is always in an angry mood.
Observe their behavior

Other than the Parakeet’s sound, the behavior is also a good indication of the bird’s sex because males and females do act differently on a day to day basis. For example, a male Parakeet is usually more likely to bob its head up and down as a way of probably attracting the attention of a nearby female. Males are also more likely to be playful and are more outgoing and sociable than their female counterparts. Meanwhile, females may still be playful and friendly, but they tend to be more aggressive than their male counterparts if they are in the mood to breed.
Go to an expert
If you still cannot tell the Parakeet’s sex, then the most logical thing for you to do now is to go to an expert (probably a vet or an animal researcher) to help you determine the bird’s sex. Aside from having years of training and experience, these experts may have tests and DNA kits that will allow them to tell with certainty what the Parakeet’s sex is so that you no longer have to rely on other means.
In concluding everything, telling apart male Parakeets from their female counterparts can be pretty difficult if you do not know what to look for. However, what seems to be the most reliable option if you do not want to spend on a visit to the vet is to look at the Parakeet’s cere. But if you still cannot tell for sure, a trip to the vet or an expert probably won’t cost you a lot but is sure to give you the definitive answer you are looking for.