Scientific Facts
Common Name | Hyacinth macaw, blue parrot |
Scientific Name | Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus |
Size | 100 cm (3.3 ft) |
Life Span | more than 60 years |
Habitat | Tropical moist forest, tropical savanna |
Country of Origin | Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay |
Based on a taxidermic example transferred to England, John Latham, an artist, ornithologist, and English physician, initially identified the hyacinth macaw in 1790 following the binomial title Psittacus hyacinthinus. It is one of two existing and one presumably vanished species of the South American macaw genus Anodorhynchus.
The hyacinth macaw is perhaps the most charming of the macaw family and is unquestionably the greatest. It is the most comprehensive of whole parrots. The hyacinth is the “Great Dane” of partner birds, formerly from Bolivia, Paraguay, and Brazil, with an adult male growing over 102 cms in length. Quite a several individuals truly hold a hyacinth macaw as a partner, and will reasonably only have the enjoyment of observing one in an aviary or a more comprehensive bird store.
An inclination for expense, loudness, and destruction, notwithstanding its measurement, this blue macaw is the last but one partner bird for somebody who has the wallet, patience, and time to accurately manage this gorgeous creature.
Physical Description

The Hyacinth Macaws are an astonishing cobalt azure, which is how they acquired their title. The blue plumage matches somewhat duller on the appendages, and the base of the tail is dusky pale. They possess an apteric hoop surrounding the eye that is a dazzling daffodil yellow. This shade is likewise observed moving down both facets of their gray-black bill. This blend gives the Hyacinth seem to grin. The skin of the bird has a yellowish tone to it besides for the limbs, which are a deep gray, and their eyelashes are blue. By shattering remarkably firm kernels, their bill is considerably huge, allowing them to satisfy their nutritional necessities.
Covering frequently three and one-half feet in breadth with a wingspan of adjacent to five feet, this bird is the biggest of the Macaws. These are a huge, fully-grown Macaw. A sophisticated grown-up can measure up to approximately 1.7 kg and standards nearly 95 cm in length with a wingspan that can stretch an imposing 105 cm. These Macaws are likewise considerably perpetual, with an existence up to nearly 60 years.
Fun fact: Hyacinth Macaws’ plumages aren’t exactly blue!
Since they are not instantly created by melanin, blue feathers are bizarre. Alternatively, the blue hues we observe attained from the synergy among light, a plumage’s underlying melanin pigments (melanins are dark brown to black), air spaces, and microstructure. These blend in a process that diffuses apparent light so that we perceive blue wavelengths reproduced from the plumage’s exterior. If you were to pound a blue feather, disordering the microstructure and the means light rebounds off of it, it might look black.
Geographical Range
Confirmedly, their local area, ranged from northern Brazil in regions adjacent northern stretches of Amazon, crossing west to Rio Tapajós and south beyond central and southern Brazil from Piauí and southern portion of Maranhão across Goiás and western Bahia to Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso; eastern Bolivia and most northeastern part of Paraguay.
Though, presently, they are obscured from most of their earlier scope caused by hunting, territory decline, and seizing for the pet industry. The Hyacinth remains today in three identified well-defined communities in South America: eastern Bolivia, northeastern Paraguay,
and southern Brazil. Scantier, shattered communities, may transpire in other regions of its scope.
Couples or little flocks of them are generally observed in the native. These boisterous flocks can undoubtedly be detected because of their deep cries. If cornered, they will escape into the atmosphere, course for a while before retreating to their pole.
It favors forests, palm marshes, and other semiopen, primeval environments. It is frequently confined to the end or comparatively permitted regions (e.g., along main streams), it normally refrains the compact, humid woodlands, and in areas controlled by such environments. In several regions of their scope, these birds are exposed in desert bramble forest popular as caatinga, in palm stations, especially the Moriche Palm (Mauritia flexuosa), and in savannah meadows.
The hyacinth macaw has disappeared or been intentionally discharged into Florida, USA, though there is no confirmation that the community is reproducing and may merely continue due to proceeding discharges or releases.
Common Behavior
Frequently described a “gentle giant,” the hyacinth macaw is certainly loving, but gentle it is not. Hyacinths tame pretty smoothly, although they manage to desire to play harsh among other hyacinth macaws, and with their owner. Its bill supports over 90 kgs of weight per square inch – that indicates that it would crack staff in portion with one crash. Even a pretty gentle hyacinth macaw can yet be bitter (if you would beckon that huge bill bitter), although that is commonly comical action. Because its bill is so alarming, this parrot is best administered by an individual who is not horrified by the perception of being snapped — there’s no assurance, even with the most trained bird, that the infrequent injury will not occur.
Speech & Sound
You may desire to rethink taking a hyacinth macaw if you have nearby acquaintances. This parrot is remarkably noisy and inclined to shrieking. One hyacinth would not mean so disturbing to bystanders, but a couple will tap up the sound. Likewise, make certain to have your birds secure from possible burglary, a blatant hyacinth macaw can invite the awareness of bird-sheep stealers seeking to market such an extravagant parrot.
They will acquire several adopted terms and expressions and recite them many times over, though Hyacinth macaws are not the greatest speakers among the macaws. These birds are extremely talented and may study to explore specific messages as well.
Diet & Feeding Habits

The Hyacinth’s fundamental nutrition comprised of palm seeds , most suitably the Chatay (or Yatay) palm (Butia yatay), and palm fruits, particularly Attalea funifera, Syagrus commos, Acrocomia aculeata, Attalea phalerata, Astryocaryum tucuma, and Acrocomia lasiopatha.
They will regularly supply on palm nuts that were eliminated by cattle and are, consequently, smoother, even though their bills are powerful enough to break even toughest-shell seeds.
They serve on ripe and unripe fruits, vegetable matter, berries, and nuts. Plausible bugs as well swallowed concurrently with the fruit.
One Hyacinth has been witnessed dining on water-snails. Numerous parakeets will consume huge pests / little animals to indulge their necessity for appended protein (especially throughout the mating period).
Reproduction & Life Cycle
Usually, settle with one companion their whole existence, Hyacinth macaws are monogamous. They deliver one flock per period and don’t reproduce each cycle, reproducing following the rainy season, which is July to December.
The males give loads of shrieks and presenting their plumage to get the notice of females. Once coupling has transpired, a cradle is formed in chambers of several trees. They will produce solely 1 or 2 eggs to settle within that cradle. Both origins attempt to maintain them heated and fully guarded.
The first will surface a few days before the other when there are a couple of juveniles. This indicates the secondary one is excessively short and feeble to fight with the maturer one for meat, and it will probably perish. In confinement, it is prevalent for another one to be separated from the cradle. This is an approach that improves the figure of Hyacinth Macaw birds to develop.
The juvenile that does stay in the cradle will be supplied by the progenitors for nearly 3 months. Later they will stand on their own to obtain their territory and nourishment. The Hyacinth Macaw is generally approximately 7 years old when it can breed.
How to Breed your Macaw
Pairing Hyacinth Macaws
These birds are not as challenging to match favorably as any of the other species. The majority are friendly against other birds, as much as some Macaw may be more careful regarding their partners than others. A process that Jean Pattison exercises with her African species must serve adequately with any psittacine bird. The females are entirely crowded coincidentally in a huge flock. Smaller flocks comprising single male macaws are located toward the big flock. Each female possesses various shaded tusche employed to her body so that she will be simple to recognize from a horizon.
The Macaws are discreetly observed to detect if some female favors to waste her chance with a special male and whether this matter is shared. The females are gathered collectively instead of the males to lessen hostility. Even if this is an excellent course, it is not constantly possible with bizarre or precious birds such as Hyacinth Macaws. Bird keepers may get it tricky to acquire enough birds to employ this procedure.
When some new macaws are transported within an aviary, they must be isolated for three months and reexamined for latent well-being hazards before they are established for reproducing or revealed to other birds. The pressure of a significant variation in the atmosphere may accentuate potential wellness obstacles. Several female Macaws will resist consuming when transported from a pleasant setting to a distinct residence; regardless, they are with their partners. The macaws should be strictly observed throughout this period to guarantee that they are consuming.
Postponed flocks must be the lowest of 243cms long by 152cms wide and 152cms high. For the break-in flight, the elevation is raised to 243 cms. The flight should give the macaws with a transparent impression of the whole region since Hyacinth Macaws prefer to discern anything progressing them. It is entertaining to observe various flights of Macaws when all the couples are within their den cases tranquility staring out across the aviary.
The Macaws must sense that predators cannot steal against them from the posterior. So, a block must be installed near the rear of the flight encompassing the den crate space. Handlers choose to possess two feeding sites, one at the exterior of the flight where the menu is given and one near the back of the flight for water. This promotes activity. Though, once the bird is resting eggs, all water and food are supplied at the back area, most adjacent to the cradle.
Sexual behavior
For coupling to be an implication of planned generation, it should transpire when nobody is in the couple’s area. Hyacinths articulate very powerfully when they breed, giving it simple to comprehend when the birds are truly reproducing. Articulation during coupling further modifies, growing more powerful in frequency as they near fulfillment. Coupling should likewise transpire commonly (three or more times a day), and it should display extended to indicate the couple’s passion for breeding.
As reproducing partners grow engaged in breeding, they shift more spoken and whimsical. They will start to consume more living in the retreat case grinding up dwelling stock moreover adjusting it to satisfy them. Many birds will begin absorbing huge masses of broccoli. They appear to possess a distinct inclination for broccoli leaflets at this point. Broccoli leaves are essential in nourishment than the florets and stalk.
Not Your Typical Egg
Hyacinth Macaw eggs are more susceptible to outside forces than most other eggs. Standard nurturing methods that serve well for other birds will frequently not operate as healthy for Hyacinth Macaws.
Some Handlers have included DNA genotyping of their reproducing merchandise to reduce kinship problems, which are prevalent with Hyacinth Macaws. Decent training of the origins is essential to attain constant progress at producing healthy, productive eggs.
Decent nutrition is critical as properly as a conventional setting. External disturbances lead to a decrease in egg creation as well as rise impotence. Inappropriate intake can produce immature eggs and/or abnormal carapace density.
Wellness problems with the origins can be carried on to the egg, thus preventing the maturation process. When suitable, dropping feasible embryos with the progenitors for some event appears to enhance the brooding time.
Determinants some handlers practice to better defines the term to transfer the embryos to a hatchery incorporate weather events, parenting habits, distractions, humidity, outside air temperature, etc. They have discovered that managing specific determinants once the embryos are drawn has raised the brood rate remarkably. Parent DNA compatibility, sanitation, frequent candling or handling, vibration, noise levels (incubator generated and outside), humidity, and temperature level, and fluctuations are some agents that can affect the brood rate.
They commonly switch productive embryos with small chicken eggs or blank eggs. This provides the chance to reestablish an embryo that is almost produced or a lately born infant to the progenitors (or foster parents). This passes the continual servings essential for the initial several days on to the origins and likewise serves to reinforce the immune system of the juvenile.
D3 virulence is plausibly the principal logic for clear eggs in Hyacinth Macaws. Another significant cause for immature chicks perished in a shell, or clear eggs are incest. A bird keeper had the entire Hyacinths DNA outlined to discover if some of the birds were associated with each other. He noticed that several of his weak bearing couples comprised of fraternal birds. These birds were segregated and matched with independent birds. The productivity percentage progressed, and egg and chick death declined dramatically.
If macaws are too immature or too aged, they cannot breed. It is challenging to assess the span of a Hyacinth, though; the snouts may present a sign. When Macaws are below 15 months old, they possess great noticeable noses. Some youngsters will need longer to plumage out properly, so these birds may mean months earlier.
More adult macaws possess more plumage in this field, and their snouts are almost obscure. Mature Hyacinths can have noticeable snouts; this can occur when they consume the plumage away by driving their faces toward the pole of their cells. These Macaws will generate bumps around the snouts, and the snouts will not possess the fine uniform elliptical pattern detected in youngsters. Snouts may likewise be apparent in grown-ups that have been sternutating extremely, in which event the plumage in the region would be disordered.
Adult birds are difficult to distinguish. Still, numerous birds will become paler in the shade as they approach their older years. Any birds will become pastel while others make not, merely as any individuals turn livid at a pretty youthful period, and others may at no time acquire silvery hair. Most species that produce a switch in intensity will start becoming yellow. Aged Hyacinths will generate some white shafts, yet it is not unusual for Hyacinths to possess some white below at some age. So, the lighter shade can solely be utilized as a foundation for a notified opinion.
Pet Care
Providing the Right Living Conditions
Provide a huge enclosure. The bird demands a huge enclosure, with a least of 106 cms deep,106 cms wide, and 180 cms tall. The bird requires plenty of places to move around, forage, and climb. In spite of the larger enclosure, the bird will demand a great chance of an event to circumnavigate outside the enclosure.
Employ a stainless steel enclosure. The bird will undoubtedly split a conventional coop 8-gauge cable with his bill. Rather, utilize a stainless steel coil that will not corrode, curve, or flake. This is the most costly kind of coop. As the bird will mount and bite the rails of its enclosure, you’ll desire to make positive it’s not swallowing any varnish.
Place your enclosure adequately. The hyacinth macaw is a highly friendly bird whose coop must be concentrated in a section of the residence where it can consider a member of the household. While the bird can endure a wide variety of heats, it’s susceptible to winds. Make certain the enclosure is located in a space clear of drafts.
Think of presenting an indoor bird place. If you hold a place for it, your bird will enjoy possessing a place committed to its value. Make assured the place is “bird-proof,” cleared of everything the Macaw can take its bill around. For instance, boarded frames, shutter beams, and several wooden snips will immediately become damaged. There mustn’t be some electrical fibers noticeable which the Macaw might bite.
Design an outdoor bird field. A breeding aviary or an outdoor framed in stone or alloy will be perfect for your bird. It must have a shielded tent that can be weather-controlled where required, as well as an appended fleeing enclosure. The fleeing must be extended, so your bird has scope to spread his wings. Establish a mahogany pole at each edge and recognize counting a surmounting section constructed of a fruit or nut tree.
Feeding Your Hyacinth Macaw
Present proper meals. The hyacinth macaw demands nutrition dissimilar to that of different parakeets. In the native, it consumes two kinds of palm nuts, which it gets unprocessed in animals manure. To imitate this menu, you can interchange cashews, pistachios, coconut, macadamias, almonds, and Brazil nuts.
Enhance your bird’s intake with fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain a tiny fraction of the hyacinth macaw’s menu, contrasted with other macaws. Though, your bird can devour almost whatever you might, so bestow your supplies with him. Raw bits of cantaloupe, kale, cucumber, for instance, go for delicious bites. Don’t provide your macaw a rotten diet, or raw flesh,
Make a feeding program. When you’re raising your hyacinth macaw, It’s important to possess a conventional feeding plan. Being somewhat starving will encourage your macaw’s attention to exercise pursuits. If you’re prepared to serve your macaw 3 feeds per day, employ in exercise concourses merely before every meal.
Find your bird’s choice of food. It’s truly considerably simple to discover what your Macaw’s preferred meal. Solely give a serving of the entire various meals your bird consumes, including grapes, seeds, sunflower, macadamias, almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, coconut, and carrots.
Give fresh water. Replace the water in your Macaw’s water bowl at most limited once per day. Your bird must possess an inclination to clear, freshwater imperishability. Rinse the water basin with warm, foamy water every event you replace the water so that you’re not issuing fresh water into a greasy bowl. Make certain you’re washing inside the basin’s rims, ridges, and edges, inspecting it for any excess or fungus.
Handling and Training Your Bird
Wash your bird daily. If your Macaw is juvenile, make it accustomed to have a shower in your galley washbasin with nearly an inch of water within it. More grown birds may then be pleased with a galley washbasin shower and immediately leap into the water. You can likewise set a drizzle pole into your bath. These poles can connect to glass shutters or shower surfaces.
Show the conception of abilities. The hyacinth macaw manages to link completely with one human. This can direct to complications, and if you don’t expressly instruct the bird to receive instructions from various individuals, plausible, he’ll merely react to you. The process to achieve this is to make positive to explain the direction in a diversity of environments, with several personalities, so that the Macaw gets to concentrate on the word, instead of approaching you.
Don’t practice wicked behaviors. The blue macaw’s nip is powerful enough to break open kernels, so it’s not shocking that it’s pretty unpleasant to be snapped! If you respond to being snapped by completing an exercise concourse, placing your macaw back in its coop, then your Macaw will acquire that nibbling is a bold idea to obtain these outcomes.
Give lots of exercise for your bird. The hyacinth macaw enjoys performing. It will bite on beam stuff and will apt crack them because of the power of its nibble. Alloy trinkets are a great option for these Macaws. For instance, set nuts keeping machines toward a bolt, or building an object that is entertaining for the Macaw to engage with.
Keeping Your Bird Healthy
Maintain the coop clean. This will be more natural to make if you do certain to have coop paper (or crumbled sheet) covering the basement of the coop. You can effortlessly remove this out and replenish it as required. You can wash down the coop with a nontoxic sterilizer as necessitated.
Remain on the view for behavioral quandaries. Behavior problems commonly result from a matter lacking in the bird’s surroundings. As an intellectual, friendly being, the hyacinth macaw needs an excellent arrangement of cooperation. Without sufficient to make, the bird can catch some abnormal reaction, including feather plucking, screaming, and biting.
Make certain to give loads of light. The hyacinth macaw possesses photosensitive skin that doesn’t react to synthetic daylight, even comprehensive simulated light. It demands consistent presentation to direct sunlight to sustain good wellness.
Common Health Issues
Hyacinth Macaws, when attended, is considered tough, and sometimes grow unhealthy. Still, they can catch some infections, and there a few also conditions in the atmosphere that can generate disease. Management difficulties can likewise transpire. Though it is frequently challenging to conclude disability, some noticeable symptoms of ailment to be conscious of are:
Bulges in feathering
Difficulty breathing
Dirty vent
Drooping wings
Extreme mood changes
Excessive saliva
Having no appetite
Partially closed or watery eyes
Ruffled plumage
Sagging body
Swelling of the eyelids
Any change in the feces not apparently diet-related
Some of the more common illnesses are:
Bacterial, viral, or fungal infections
Beak malformations in chicks
Chewing flight and tail feathers by juveniles
Feather picking – results of boredom, poor diet, sexual frustration, and lack of bathing
Kidney disease (gout)
Lipomas in older birds
Proventricular Dilation disease (Macaw wasting disease)
Psittacosis (chlamydiosis or parrot fever)
Toxicity – heavy metal poisoning
If you discern some of those bird ailments in the Hyacinth Macaw, instantly give a mild, breeze-free, protected habitat maintained at nearly 30°C. Set meals and water are adjacent to the pole where it is effortlessly obtainable. A weak parakeet must be brought to an avian doctor for treatment and diagnosis.
Behavior dilemmas in a pet Macaw commonly originate from a substance that needs in the parrot’s habitat. Some of the most prevalent are the absence of confidence, growing dull, or deficiency of interplay with individuals or other parrots. When those conditions are lacking, it can direct to difficulties occurring in unwanted conduct. Work to form a connection of belief and allocate effort with the Macaw to further dodge these obstacles.
Hyacinth Macaws are unique, they are not promptly accessible, and they are considerably costly. A Hyacinth can be purchased from a handler (which is heavily suggested), a pet shop, or a merchant. The value can alter appreciably, varying everywhere from $9,000.00 to $14,000.00.
Be ready to be put on a shortlist. The representation of accessible Hyacinths is inadequate, and they are a pricey effort for most handlers. If you seek a Hyacinth, merely be composed and set certain connections.
Buying Hyacinths for breeding
Purchasing breeding birds carefully is the initial action for victorious outcomes. Hyacinths are extremely valuable birds, so several individuals are so nonchalant when they buy them. Huge amounts of wealth are transferred to outsiders to purchase a bird that has frequently not yet been recognized. The late Hyacinth could be an excellent fit bird, or the bird might not be everything was assumed entirely. When birds are obtained in this process, it is a venture. If the bird was dispatched great miles, it might be improbable to accept payment for a delicate bird or fallen bird. It is unimaginable someone doing any other sort of valuable investment in such a nonchalant manner.
Buying Pairs
It is practically difficult to verify that a couple of birds is warranted if such requests are given. Still, requesting recommendations, and attending them up can present an excellent bargain of knowledge. Regularly request to talk to the merchant’s doctor. If the merchant has nothing to cover, he will authorize his doctor to converse spontaneously to someone engrossed in obtaining his birds.
It is not essential to view the birds before they are bought. Though, before giving a complete fee to the merchant, the birds must be checked by a fitted avian doctor. The birds must be examined for psittacosis and polyoma. It is likewise recommended comprehensive blood chemistry, cultures, and a CBC, as well as a meticulous ocular assessment. The conclusions of the analyses should be produced accessible to the client and the client’s doctor. The merchant may decline to compensate for the examinations, in which event the smart consumer would either compensate for the analyses or choose against purchasing the birds.
There must be a signed agreement explicitly describing the requirements of the trade. The agreement can incorporate an outline that enables the customer to hand back the birds for a complete reimbursement if the birds declare to occur of the identical sex. Should the buyer reject pre-sale the medicinal analysis, then the agreement must stipulate a term to hold the birds tested. If the birds are not fit, the merchant must compensate for pharmaceutical expenditures.
A few personalities may be marketing juvenile birds that rise mutually. They believe that by possessing birds that develop together that the pair birds will generate a powerful connection and promptly deliver infants. This kind of reasoning can rebound. Seldom when juveniles mature together, they think that they are relatives and will not desire to breed with each other.
Buying single birds
The equivalent degree of attention should be applied when purchasing a particular bird while getting a couple. It is more beneficial to obtain particular birds that have been in the companionship of different Hyacinth Macaws if they are confined reproduced. It will be essential that the birds understand that they are not people or any other sorts of birds. Numerous pet Hyacinths can grow sufficient reproducing birds granted they know that they are Hyacinth Macaws.
Population threats
Hyacinth macaw figures are in deterioration because of the unauthorized pet business (being profoundly valued as pets) and territory destruction. Their territory is being wasted or altered due to herds farming and automated cultivation, as well as hydroelectric projects. A few indigenous individuals pursue these birds for their bright plumes for application in hoods or other keepsakes for travelers.
Population number
Based on the IUCN Red List, the entire community measurement of Hyacinth macaws is 6,500 specimens (comprising 4,300 adult birds), of which 5,000 individuals are in the Pantanal region. Hyacinth macaws’ digits are reducing nowadays, and they are categorized as vulnerable (VU) on the list of threatened species.
Ecological niche
Hyacinth macaws possess an essential role to perform in their environment within the diffusion of kernels and grains all over their boundary.
How many hyacinth macaws are left in the world?
An approximated 6,500 hyacinth macaws survive in the native, of which approximately 5,000 exist in the Pantanal.
Do hyacinth macaws make good pets?
Informally identified as “gentle giants,” these macaws can create excellent pets for extremely skilled bird keepers. Hyacinth macaws are clever birds and have dispensed an ability for inadequate means use both in confinement and the native.
How expensive is a hyacinth macaw?
Parakeet: £28,000
The Hyacinth Macaw is a sky-blue parakeet from Central and South America, which, based on the Singaporean broadsheet Straits Times, fetches $40,000 (£27,737).
Are hyacinth macaws legal?
Purchasing and trading wild-caught hyacinth macaws are prohibited. Although it’s allowed to exchange macaws raised in confinement, the birds are particularly challenging to reproduce. This has generated a request for eggs obtained from the wild, which are hidden from South America to Europe more efficiently than live birds.
Do hyacinth macaws bite?
Macaw nibbles are going to sting, and the region is going to sore for a moment while they take a chance to recover. If a macaw snaps your forefinger, then it can do injury to the skin and extract blood, but they aren’t powerful enough to crack your finger. Stitches from a macaw laceration are extremely reasonable, but you won’t ever require a mold.
Why is hyacinth macaw going extinct?
The hyacinth macaw is an imperiled species because of the enclosure of bird business and territory destruction.