
List of Dangerous Parrot Accessories You Shouldn’t Have in Your Bird Tent

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For the birds to stay healthy and active, placing different kinds of accessories into your bird’s tent or cage is already the usual set-up. Aside from flying, their greatest past time is to chew and to peck their beak into the wood and other accessories that they can see in their cage. In choosing the accessories that you will place into your bird’s cage, you may need to be careful in choosing each item to ensure that it is safe for their health. It is a must to know the list of dangerous parrot accessories that you shouldn’t place into your bird’s tent if you want them to live healthily.

A. Woods

A piece of wood serves as their perches and their bird tree stand. There are different kinds of soft and hardwood that are ideal to be used in their cage. These are the list of safe woods for them Balsa, Birch, Pine, Maple, Walnut, Poplar, Basswood, Ash, Apple, Walnut, Cactus (Cholla), Manzanita, and Elm. It can’t be avoided that they’ll peck on the wood that you will place in their cage as an accessory that is why it is important to avoid these kinds of wood types Red Cherry, Cedar, Oak, and Plywood because it is high in Arsenic, which is a dangerous chemical.

In choosing a wood accessory for your bird’s cage, it is also advisable not to use woods that are treated with chemicals because it might poison your bird. In choosing for a wood accessory, make sure that it is free from pests such as mites that will not do good to your bird; that is why it is important to clean it before taking it into your birds’ cage. Birds are naturally curious, that is why you can turn the wood into a colorful thing to make it more attractive so that your parrot will be more attractive to it.

B. Ropes

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Different kinds of ropes are also often seen in their cage as part of their toy. The ideal type of rope that should be used are those that are 100% cotton and hemp fibers. You need to ensure that ropes are always maintained so that they will be kept safe and so as not to hurt their nails and beak.

Nylon rope should be avoided because it can cause serious injury because of its strength. If you decided to place a rope into your bird’s cage, it is advisable to always check up on your bird because usually when they play on the rope, it can’t be avoided that it gets tangled into their legs that lead to loss of circulation of blood.

●   Chain

For the chains, you may need to choose the one that is welded, open links or un-welded chain is not advisable because of the possibilities that it has narrow openings and sharp surfaces that may accidentally cut their toes. You must be careful in using a chain to their tent because they may end up wrapped around their necks. It is better to choose a chain that is made from high-quality material so that your bird can’t easily destroy it.

●   Fastener

Fasteners are used to hang and stick toys into the bird’s tent; not all types of fasteners are safe such as the dog leash type snap hooks or split key rings because it may cut your bird’s skin and it may lose the circulation of blood for both tongue and toes. C-clamps or Quick-links are the ideal fasteners because these types have less potential for serious injuries.

●   Accessories with Zinc

The bird’s toys are usually made from zinc, which is a toxic chemical. Studies show that when a bird constantly peck or chew toys that have a zinc compound, it may cause negative effects to your bird’s health. To avoid any side effects and to make sure that it is better to choose toys that are made from stainless steel. Stainless steel is also more cost-effective and is much more durable. If it is possible, it is better to use accessories that are made from organic materials.

●   Plastics

The use of plastic-based materials is the common compound of accessories that can be seen in the bird’s tent. Not all plastic-based material is harmful. In choosing for accessories that have plastic compound, you may need to distinguish its component if its a soft or brittle type. If the plastic is brittle, it shouldn’t be given to birds because when the parts of it broke, it may have sharp edges that may cut the skin or mouth of your bird.

Hard plastic-based toys are specifically given to small-medium-sized bird species because it won’t be destroyed easily when they peck it but shouldn’t be given to larger bird species because they might swallow some pieces that may rupture their organs. If you are to use acrylic type toys, make sure that it only has about 3/16″ thickness.

●   Leather

Leather type toys are also ideal for bird’s tent but however, make sure not to give them vegetable tanned leather or any leather type toys that are dyed because it contains chemicals that are too toxic for birds when they chew the toy. If you are to use leather, you may need to make sure that it is always dry because if it has been wet for a couple of hours, bacteria may flourish easily. Do not make use of long strips of leather into your bird’s tent because your bird may strangle around it.

●   Rings

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You commonly see rings into their cage. Avoid rings that are too small because they might swallow it and make sure that the size of the ring is proportionate with the size of their body so that they won’t be stuck in it. Be careful in using multiple loop rings because your bird may be stuck in it.

●   Bells

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Bells are a useful toy to birds that will not only make them entertained, but it is a good toy to enhance their sense of sight and hearing. The use of a bell is dangerous to them if the clapper can be removed easily because they might swallow or be choked by it. It is recommended to make sure that the clapper can’t be removed easily when your bird would play with it, you can either weld it or add some glue to it. The use of larger bells has a higher chance that it can withstand no matter how powerful the bird’s beak is.

Final Thoughts

In choosing for the right accessories for your bird’s cage or tent, it is important to have a research about what is safe or not. Even though you know that the accessories that you will give your bird are 100% safe, you may still need to supervise how they will use it.  Your bird’s immunity doesn’t have the capacity to tolerate harmful chemicals; that is why you must serve them the best accessories that they will enjoy.

Written by Birds Coo

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