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    Proper Ways on How to Pet a Bird

    Image Source Birds are some of the most popular types of pets in the world and are probably only behind dogs and cats in that regard. After all, birds are beautiful animals to look at because of how bright their colors are. In some cases, they are also fun pets to be with because they […] More

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    Parrotlet Plucking Feathers: What It Indicates and How It Can Be Stopped

    Image source The normal healthy parrotlet spends a few hours every cleaning and grooming their own feathers. This is usual and is a good activity for them to keep their health and durability of their feathers. The feather plucking to every bird is considered as not a normal avian activity. It usually happens when the […] More

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    Parrotlet or Lovebird: Comprehensive Comparison

    Image Source At a first look, people could get confused with a lovebird and parrotlet for they look alike. As a matter of fact, in the 1800s, parrotlets were discovered. They were given the name South American lovebirds. Although they look alike, a keen eye can surely tell which is which. In this article, you […] More

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    Parrot Treats You’ll Need for Your Pet Training

    Image Source The bulk of the nourishment of your parrot’s diet needs to come from either an all-natural seed mix or a premium brand pellet. These commercial sources, along with a mix of fresh fruits and vegetables, will make sure that your beloved pet will receive all the vitamins and minerals, key nutrients and protein […] More

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    Parrot Training Made Easy For You

    Video Source: Youtube A trained parrot can be at least as clever as the average of a two-year-old toddler, as stated by a study issued in the Scientific American. Like young children, the parrot also craves the stimulant of new activities because it helps the parrot’s brain to grow as well as to develop. It […] More

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    Parrot Tongue Anatomy: What It Looks Like

    Image source If we try to observe at parrots, one of the first things that always caught anyone’s attention is the over-sized that jutting out over from its face. Being a bird lover, it is considered to respect massive and one of the reasons that cause a few people to fear their pet parrots. If […] More

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    Parrot Toe Injury Prevention and Treatment

    Image Source A parrots’ toe is an integral part of their lives. There is no question about it as it has tons of uses. With that in mind, it is clear that if anything happens to it, their daily activities are paralyzed. Why wouldn’t it be? The use of a parrot’s feet and toes are […] More

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    Parrot Signs That Indicate Your Parrot is Malnourished

    Image Source Parrots are just like other animals; these also suffer from nutritional problems like malnutrition. Malnutrition is a word to describe poor nutrition. This could be from an excessive or insufficient diet or a diet that has unbalanced nutrition due to an individual’s inability to take in food. Pet parrots or captive parrots are […] More

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    Parrot Sounds: Why Birds Make Them

    Image Source Birds are cheerful creatures. They make beautiful sounds and sing alluring songs. There is no doubt that parrots are the best in the field. Aside from making lively hymns, they are one of the few bird species that can imitate a human voice. Due to these characteristics, they are the most in-demand birds […] More

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    Parrot Odors: Do Birds Smell Bad?

    Image Source Birds should not have bad odors, they may have a specific odor, but this odor is a unique scent that is unique to different kinds of bird species and is usually not considered to have an unpleasant smell. When your bird smell bad, you may need to know where the smell comes from, […] More

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    Parrot Feather Plucking: An Alarming Sign of Malnutrition

    Image Source Feather plucking is a common but serious condition. This behavior is common among parrots. In a bird’s natural behavior, it is considered normal as they use this to groom themselves. The problem arises when it goes overboard. Some parrots would chew their feathers to the point of getting damaged. Continuous plucking can lead […] More

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    Parrot First Aid Kit: A Checklist of Must-Haves

    Image Source Parrots can get into all kinds of trouble, and with great trouble comes accidents like cuts, broken feathers, or a broken leg. You must be ready for any minor or major accident because you are the only one to save your pet’s life. Also, vets that are experts in avian care are usually […] More

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