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    Pet Poisoning Signs: How to Tell If Your Bird Has Been Poisoned

    Image Source Pet birds are undoubtedly some of the best household companions you can have around. However, that is only true if you know how to take care of them properly so that they can live to be happy and healthy birds throughout their entire lifespan. After all, birds have some of the most sensitive […] More

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    Parrots Coloring Features Explained

    Image source Have you tried to look into your bird’s enclosure as you were passing by, and you suddenly noticed that it is gone? Then you, as the pet owner, try to hold down that feeling of nervousness, as you frantically look the cage with your two eyes. Then you noticed that it was just […] More

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    The Benefits of Having Portable Bird Stands

    Image Source Portable bird stands are very important as a part of the environment of a pet bird. A single perch, however, will not provide all the benefits that can be expected. This is because birds need different sizes and shapes of stands for foot health and exercise while adding interest to their everyday life. […] More

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    Simple Steps on How to Clean a Bird Cage

    Image Source There is no better way to start the New Year than with a fresh, clean slate that will keep you flying high all the way. Besides a list of things to Marie Kondo around you to begin the year, even our own feathered-friends need to have a home that will keep them in […] More

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    Sexing Cockatiels: Things to Remember

    Image Source Birds can be some of the most difficult animals to sex because of how they tend to have the same appearance depending on the species and how they do not have any visible genitals that can indicate whether they are male or female. There are a lot of ways that people use to […] More

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    Seed Catcher: Every Bird Cage’s Must-Have

    Image Source If you have a cockatoo, parakeet, or macaw, a pet bird is a delightful partner to own around. But, you should likewise present your bird with anything it requires to live gracefully and healthily. Hence, if you are seeking for the essential pieces of equipment to place in your bird’s enclosure to have […] More

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    The Many Types of Pet Birds from A to Z

    Image Source Just like other animals that qualify as pets, birds are interesting options. Birds have their own unique personalities, characteristics, and traits. If you are interested in having a pet bird, you can be sure that there is a perfect bird for your needs and preferences. Let’s check out these pet birds. African Grey […] More

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    Rehoming a Parrot Made Easy

    Image Source Parrots and other pet birds, for that matter, are some of the best pets to have for any kind of pet owner. They are intelligent, thoughtful, witty, and very caring when you give them the best kind of care and nutrition possible while also spending time to bond with them. That is why […] More

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    Red Palm Oil For Birds: Uses and Benefits

    Image Source When it comes to your birds, health is wealth. After all, these pets tend to have fragile bodies that need to be taken care of properly if you want to make sure they get to maximize their lifespan. In that case, you should always go for what is best for your pet bird’s […] More

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    Quaker Parrots Prices: The Cost of Your Happiness

    Image Source When it comes to pet birds, parrots tend to be some of the more popular ones to have for any kind of owner because they have the appearance and the demeanor that makes them fit to be perfect pets. And when it comes to happiness, no other parrot will make you feel as […] More

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    Proven Effective Ways on How to Keep Birds Warm in Winter

    Image Source We are now in the middle of the winter season, and there is no doubt that the days are getting colder and colder by the minute. That means that you are looking for the best ways to keep yourself warm in the middle of a, particularly cold night. You might be wearing two […] More

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    Pros and Cons of Choosing Glass Bird Cages for Your Pet

    Image Source Not many people knew that glass birdcages make a perfect option for pets. Believe as well when we say that these are a fair and reliable solution to ever consider. You won’t worry that they will crash into the sides of the glass more than once. Later on, you’ll notice them knowing their […] More

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